2017 Conference North Conway Grand with Special Guest Derek Warburton
2021 Conference again The Glen House. Lots of learning, sharing, fresh air and sunshine!
The 2018 Conference at the North Country Grand
with special guests...What fun!
Celebrating 25 years since the establishment of NHCOPSA/NHLEAP!!
The primary mission of the New Hampshire Law Enforcement Administrative Professionals.(NHLEAP) is to foster a closer work environment among the various law enforcement agencies in the State of New Hampshire, to provide a support group to all members and to strive for professionalism through training and self development. The NHLEAP strives to:
* Commit to common goals for the betterment of the membership and the various communities;
* Open and promote better communications within the law enforcement support/clerical community;
* Provide common access to information vital to job duties and responsibilities;
* Establish a network and support group for personal and professional advancement;
* Promote the development of specialized skills through discussion, training;
The 2015 conference at the North Conway Grand.
Gail Abramowicz recognized for her many years on the executive board of NHCOPSA/NHLEAP as secretary. Thank you Gail. We appreciate your help with the rebranding and updating of our membership.
The 2016 confrence at the North Conway Grand.
2019 Conference at The Glen House - Gorham NH - Darby the Moose kept an eye on us.
2020 Conference at The Glen House --- Gorham NH
This was the year of COVID19---social distancing and mask wearing - Although it was different, we still managed to learn, come together and share. To those who could not join us...you were sorely missed. See you next year!!